Category: Romantic Tips

5 tips for an amazing outdoor wedding

5 Tips for an Amazing Outdoor Wedding

There is something special about holding your wedding outside, thanks to the unparalleled beauty of the ocean shore and pleasant breeze. However, as gorgeous as outdoor sites are, a lot of planning and legwork goes into planning an outdoor wedding. From the restroom to the lighting, here are some tips that will help you toRead More

You’re wearing what?! National dress around the world

There’s just no accounting for taste is there? What you might think is a stunningly beautiful dress or outfit, someone else might think it’s the most hideous garment ever to be stitched together! The same can be said for national dress around the world! Some of these examples are for practical reasons, others for peacocking,Read More

Dubai city scape

Plan Your Winter Vacations To Dubai for Cheap

I was talking to my boyfriend the other day about what kind of vacation we can have this year. Sure, we could go head to somewhere where we can take advantage of winter weather and do some skiing or snowboarding. But we’ve already done that so many times, and I am a much bigger fanRead More

Wedding in the park

The Going (almost) Green Wedding

Many couples who live an eco-friendly lives often find themselves buried under the carbon footprint of their precious wedding day. This is a special day and you want it to ne incredible. But you also feel the need to stay true to your core values and save as much energy as possible. We have someRead More

Romantic Road trip

Top road trip honeymoons

You have just completed the finishing touches on that fairy tale wedding that you have wished for since childhood. Just as you relish planning the perfect wedding,thoughts of honeymoon destinations soon envelope and consume you. You could take a week-long cruise to some unknown, undeveloped isle, or you could also keep it simple. One wayRead More

Just married

My stress free honeymoon

Like every other girl, I too had dreams of a perfect honeymoon but the reality I’m gifted with was far from the dreamland. I was diagnosed with cancer a few years back which lead me to give up all my dreams as I thought  ‘this is it, my life has ended now’. But I wantRead More

Top Dozen Honeymoon Destinations

Top 12 Honeymoon Destinations

After many years of traveling together, Laure and I wanted to do a post about “The Top Ten Honeymoon Destinations” Well after a long conversation we could not squeeze it down to 10 so here are the best 12 destinations we visited together as a couple, or in other words, the most romantic places whereRead More

Paris Romantic view of the city


For the ultimate getaway, Christian and I decided to visit Paris, France. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have the time of my life. Paris is indeed the city of love. From the moment you get off the plane, it is evident Paris never disappoints. It’s so exciting to be in aRead More

Islamorada Islands Sunset

Islamorada Islands – The Perfect Holiday Destination

With is amazing combination of awesome food, cool island atmosphere and mind blowing fun activities to do, there is just no better place in this world to take a vacation with your wife than the stunning Islamorada islands in Florida. They are a chain of islands which are highly favored all year round by theRead More